Monday, 4 January 2016

The Festival

Well now that the festival preparations are under way, time to have a "behind the scenes" look at what happens during this time!

As schools are back in session, directors as well as patrons are busy having auditions (if they hadn't already done that last year) and finishing their scripts. They get to pick the best performers for their items and give roles to different characters to enact their scripts. If you're reading this and wondering what i'm on about, well the Kenya National Drama Festival has different genres that people compete in namely;
Choral/Solo Verse


Modern Dance 
Stand - Up Comedy

These are the genres that'll keep us seated in a hall for a whole day at times we even forget to go for meals as the items are so good and we don't want to miss anything! 
So after the auditions, preparations which include the actual directing, identification of costumes, set design and all, the students head to the festival.

There are different levels of the festival before the Nationals; Sub-County, County, Regional. All these levels have to be adjudicated by a bench of three.

Have to stop there for now. Meetings and meetings! See you later! 

Photo Credits : Facebook Page - Kenya Drama Fests 


  1. The arena is once again open, it is time for the gladiators to use their weapons (items) for glory or doom! .....Totus Mondus.....
